Hi! Welcome to my portfolio. I am

Iordanis Prodromou, a third year

Industrial Design student at the

Eindhoven University of Technology.


In a world where technology and design are deeply rooted into the fabric of daily life, my vision as a designer is to coordinate innovative solutions leveraging profound user insights and business strategies. The rapid advancement of technology has given rise to new products, systems, and services, which while powerful, can sometimes yield negative impacts on individuals and society at large. Reflecting on my daily use of my phone, I see firsthand both the positives of connectivity and information access, and the negatives like addictive social media use and privacy concerns.

As a designer, my goal is to challenge this narrative. I strive to leverage user experience design and research methods to create experiences that not only satisfy user needs but also safeguard their wellbeing. How can we retain the connective power of social media while mitigating its potential harm on mental health? How do we design digital systems that respect privacy as much as they seek to personalize?

During my studies, I realized that for design to be a transformative force, it must balance meaningful and desirable innovation with feasibility and viability. Therefore, my vision extends beyond crafting solutions that enhance user experience and intuitive interaction; it encompasses ensuring these solutions are practical and implementable. This involves adopting an iterative design process that emphasizes continuous testing and refinement. By actively collaborating with and incorporating feedback from multiple stakeholders, I will ensure my design solutions provide collective value to users, organizations, and society.

By combining continuous learning, innovative thinking, and rigorous research with a commitment to ethical design practices, I aim to create products that not only serve humanity but do so through the ethical use of innovation and technology. My vision is to lead the creation of digital systems that enhance life quality without compromising wellbeing, thereby contributing positively to society at large.


I regard myself as a user-centered strategic designer, deeply committed to creating innovative solutions that prioritize user needs and societal well-being, while bringing value to all stakeholders involved. My professional identity is defined by my ability to employ user experience design and research methods to craft solutions that are not only desirable and meaningful, but also viable and feasible. By integrating business strategies and leveraging my technical acumen to assess feasibility, I ensure that my designs can be realistically implemented and sustained in the market. My empathetic nature and strong listening skills enable me to deeply understand users' perspectives, ensuring that my designs are both relevant and impactful.

I am known for my ability to communicate effectively and work well with people, thriving in interdisciplinary teams where diverse ideas and expertise converge. My entrepreneurial spirit drives me to constantly seek new opportunities and challenges, while my ambition and grit ensure that I persevere through obstacles and setbacks. However, I am also aware of my tendency to be overconfident and sometimes rely too heavily on my instincts rather than analytical processes. This self-awareness is a crucial aspect of my professional growth, as I continuously strive to balance intuition with data-driven decision-making.

My design process is iterative and grounded in the Design Thinking approach, with a strong emphasis on stakeholder engagement and qualitative user-centered design and research approaches. I begin by conducting thorough research to gather insights into user needs and contextual factors. This involves direct user engagement through interviews, observations, and workshops, which allows me to empathize with users and define their pain points and desires. I then ideate solutions, often sketching and rapid prototyping to visualize concepts, sometimes involving users in the process using co-design methods. These prototypes are tested and refined through iterative cycles, incorporating feedback from users and other stakeholders to ensure the final design is both effective and feasible. I utilize business design tools such as the Business Model Canvas and the Value Framework to ensure that my solutions are not only innovative but also viable in the market.

I thrive in team environments, finding that interdisciplinary collaboration enhances the design process by bringing together diverse skills and viewpoints. I am skilled at articulating design decisions and facilitating discussions that integrate input from various stakeholders, ensuring that the final product is well-rounded and collectively valued. However, I sometimes find myself holding too firmly to my ideas and approaches. That said, I also value and enjoy individual work, where I can focus deeply on specific design challenges and apply my expertise to develop detailed solutions.

Created from scratch by Iordanis Prodromou, using Framer